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Unity in diversity - Study in China 2022 - Wiki English


Unity in diversity - Study in China 2022 - Wiki English

Nagar Chaurasi-The Symbolism Of Unity In Diversity Is Inspiring The Whole World.

India is a country of varying culture,castes, languages and religion and this is what special in India.In Rajgarh(Dhar) the tradition Nagar Chaurasi with faith,religion and belief is a symbolism of unity in diversity which shows brotherhood and mutual reconciliation.It promotes the spirit of brotherhood and harmony for the future of India with its vision of unity in diversity.

In India, people usually see events like Bhandara, Phale Chundari but only people from particular class can celebrate it on the other hand Nagar Chaurasi is an event for every class,which is celebrated in Rajgarh of Dhar district,Madhya Pradesh in India.

Nagar chaurasi is a tradition where people of all religions and castes eat together,this work is done without any discrimination of religion,caste or class.There is a special view of unity in diversity in this tradition without any discrimination,where people of many religions like Sanatan Dharma, Jainism,Christianity, Islam etc takes part and in fact by this tradition we have raised our culture to new heights. Through Nagar chaurasi the Indian culture gives a message of happiness to the public that "We All Are Equal".

District Dhar of Madhya Pradesh has been given the name of nagar chaurasi tradition for many years,this tradition is a prestige for everyone or this is such a event in which the whole city is involved.People of all religions and castes sit together on the same floor and do food offerings.In which Hindu-Muslim-Bohra-Jain-Sikh-Christian all come with great joy and take food. The residents of Rajgarh have saved this Nagar Chaurasi till today. In the year 2022 February itself,the grand event of 25th Nagar Chaurasi was held.

India has a very deep roots of Unity in Diversity and this tradition enhances unity in diversity. We celebrate many festivals together simultaneously we share common love and integrity for our heritage. 'Nagar Chaurasi Festival' celebrated in Rajgarh (Dhar), Madhyapradesh, has no exceptions, started in 2001, it is spreading message of unity since almost 2 decades, people from different religion, caste, creed and faith celebrate this every year. In 2022, more than 23000 people become part of it.


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